Khaled hamdy Apps

قصص صحابيات النبي 1.1
Khaled hamdy
صحابيات .. خير القرون، صحبوا رسول الله صلىالله عليه وسلم وعزروه ونصروه، ولم ينزعوا يدًا من طاعته حملوا سنته،فنشر الله بهم دينه، وأعلى شأنهم فرضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه، "فهذاالبرنامج يساعدك على قراءة قصص صحابيات النبي رضى الله عنهم فى اوقاتفراغك".Sahabiat .. goodcenturies, had accompanied the Messenger of Allah, peace be uponhim and honor him and help him, and did not divest hand fromobedience carried enacted, Fincher God, their religion, and thehighest as are supposedly God for them and they with him, "Thisprogram helps you to read the stories Sahabiat the Prophet, may Godbless them in your spare time. "